
Workshop submissions and camera ready versions will be handled by EasyChair. The link for submission is:

Papers should be formatted according to the IJCAI Formatting Instructions and up to 6 pages in length + 1 page for references in PDF format. Submissions need not be anonymous.

MPREF is a non-archival venue and there will be no published proceedings. However, informal proceedings will be provided at the workshop and the papers will be posted on this site. Therefore it will be possible to submit to other conferences and journals both in parallel and subsequent to MPREF 2016. We are more than happy for authors to have their submissions to MPREF under review at other conferences and workshops. For this reason, please feel free to submit either anonymized or non-anonymized versions of your work. We have enabled anonymous reviewing so EasyChair will not reveal the authors unless you chose to do so in your PDF.

At least one author from each accepted paper must register for the workshop. Please see the IJCAI 2016 Website for information about accommodation and registration.